Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Special guest readers

We were lucky enough to enjoy a visit from some representatives of the Turners Falls football team!  They came to read to us and we impressed them with our reading too!  

We ended our visit with a special circle time...

Monday, November 23, 2015

What Are You Thankful For?

The Wonderful Learners created adorable turkey books to hold what they are thankful for this year.  Check them out!

Thanksgiving Dinner!

We are SO incredibly blessed here at EES!  We enjoyed our Thanksgiving dinner together through the dedicated help of many kind volunteers. Just look at these appreciative smiles!  Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Our meal began with some words from Mr. Trill and a moment of silence. 

Kind mamas...

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Thanksgiving book share

Bryanna brought in a book that connected to our recent focus on Thanksgiving. 
She had a chance to read it to a few of her respectful friends during literacy time. 
Great connection from home to school Bryanna!